Author - Gavin Ellison

TPR fines FCA Pension Plan

The Pensions Regulator has fined the FCA Pension Plan £2,000 for a non-compliant chair’s statement, the maximum penalty which it can levy for this type of breach. The chair’s statement requires trustees of...

FCA issues statement for SIPP operators

The FCA has issued a statement following the administration of Berkeley Burke SIPP Administration Ltd (BB) and the administrator’s decision to discontinue BB’s judicial review appeal. BB was involved in...

No strong case to merge Ombudsmen

“There is not a strong case to merge TPO and FOS at the present time” is the conclusion of a tailored review of the Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) published by the DWP.   A merger between the two Ombudsmen...

Regulators launch new ScamSmart campaign

The FCA and the Pensions Regulator are running another media campaign over the summer to warn the public about pension scams. With new research suggesting that 42% of pension savers are potentially at risk (which would...

FCA proposes 2 new duties for IGCs

The FCA is consulting on proposals to extend the remit of Independent Governance Committees (IGCs). The FCA proposes that IGCs, which provide independent oversight of the value for money offered by workplace personal...

Will SMCR hold up pension transfers?

Pension scheme members wishing to transfer their benefits from a defined benefit (DB) to a defined contribution (DC) pension arrangement have to take financial advice and trustees of DB schemes are required to check...

UK pension plan gets fraud victory in US

We have written an article on the litigation involving a UK pension plan and a US entity in which it had invested. The pension plan alleged securities fraud on the part of the investee company, and succeeded in winning...

Single Financial Guidance Body launched

The Single Financial Guidance Body (SFGB) was launched on 3 January 2019. It brings together three existing providers of financial guidance – the Money Advice Service, the Pensions Advisory Service and Pension...

Pensions Regulator CEO to step down

Pensions Regulator CEO to step down

The Chief Executive of the Pensions Regulator (TPR), Lesley Titcomb, is stepping down at the end of her four year term in February 2019. Since she became Chief Executive in 2015, TPR has focused on becoming a more...

Carillion inquiry criticises regulator

Carillion inquiry criticises regulator

Carillion’s rise and spectacular fall was a story of “recklessness, hubris and greed”. Last week, the Work and Pensions Committee and the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee published the final...

Tribunal agrees Box Clever support

Tribunal agrees Box Clever support

The Upper Tribunal has decided that it is reasonable for the Pensions Regulator to require companies from the corporate group of ITV to provide support for the Box Clever Group Pension Scheme. The scheme has 2,800...

The future of the defined benefit system

The future of the defined benefit system

The funding deficits of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes have made news headlines in recent times, following the difficulties encountered by the British Steel Pension Scheme and some high profile business failures...