Category - Capital Markets

Treasury speech: reform of capital markets

Bim Afolami, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, has delivered a speech on reforms to reinforce the UK’s capital markets. The speech highlighted that the Government is committed to building on the strong...

BoE updates on LIBOR transition

The Bank of England has updated its website on the transition from LIBOR, and what it is doing to catalyse using SONIA as the primary interest rate benchmark in sterling markets. The Working Group on Sterling Risk-Free...

EU reaches political agreement on EMIR Refit

After nearly 2 years of negotiation, the European Parliament and Member States have agreed a targeted reform of EMIR. The Commission wanted to provide simpler and more proportionate rules, and the changes will exempt...

PRA plans CRM eligibility clarification

PRA is proposing changes to its Supervisory Statement on credit risk mitigation, to clarify how financial collateral is eligible as funded credit protection under the CRR. The CRR sets criteria for recognising...