The FOS has announced that it received 4,466 complaints about travel insurance in the financial year 2023/24, a 19% increase on the previous year. The only time that figure has been higher in the last 10 years was when...
Category - Consumer Insurance
FCA updates on retained EU laws
FCA has updated its website with details of the current state of play in relation to the repeal and replacement of retained EU laws in the financial services sector. Coming up in 2024 will be many changes and papers...
FCA updates on insurance market priorities
FCA has published a suite of portfolio letters for the insurance markets, off the back of its value measures data report, but covering its wider supervisory priorities. The letters note the importance of the insurance...
FCA announces Direct Line pricing review
Direct Line Group has agreed to carry out a review after it found it had charged some existing home and motor customers more for their renewal than would have been charged to new customers. The review will identify all...
FCA launches new webpage on Consumer Duty
The FCA has published a new webpage containing information on the Consumer Duty. The webpage, which will be kept up to date, currently contains guidance for firms on: implementation plans and the FCA’s...
FCA publishes review of BI insurance claims handling
FCA has published a review of how insurers have been handling claims under business interruption insurance policies. It has welcomed insurers making quick interim payments and proactively communicating with...
FCA speech: Consumer Duty
Sheldon Mills (Executive Director, Consumers and Competition at the FCA) has delivered a speech on what firms and customers can expect from the Consumer Duty. Mr Mills stressed that, whilst the Duty is not yet in force...
Consumer Duty: FCA update and events
The FCA has published a new webpage on Consumer Duty, which outs out the timeline and key milestones for implementation and contains links to register for FCA webinars and email updates. You can also register to attend...
Consumer Duty: building an implementation plan
UK Finance has outlined four key elements firms should be focussing on when building their Consumer Duty implementation plans. These are: definition of the target end state as an input to the gap assessment – to define...
Read our article on the new Consumer Duty
Following up on our headline post, we have written an article giving more detail on the Consumer Duty and highlighting some of the key changes since the FCA’s second consultation paper. The implementation deadline...
FCA publishes final rules on Consumer Duty
Following two consultations on its proposals, the FCA has confirmed its plans for a new Consumer Duty which will require firms to put their customers’ needs first. The FCA has a parliamentary mandate, via the...
FCA board discusses Consumer Duty
The FCA has published the minutes of a board meeting held on 26 May 2022 at which, amongst other items, the board discussed the new Consumer Duty. Highlights include: feedback from external stakeholders on the proposed...
FCA portfolio strategy letters for insurance intermediaries
The FCA has published its most recent portfolio strategy letters for: Personal and Commercial Lines Insurance Intermediaries; and Lloyd’s and London Market Insurance Intermediaries (and Managing General Agents). Some...
FOS launches webpage on vehicle breakdown cover
FOS has published a new webpage which sets out information for firms on handling and resolving complaints about vehicle breakdown cover. The webpage explains the types of complaint FOS sees, provides a summary of how...
FCA launches claims management companies fees cap
FCA has introduced restrictions on claims management companies (CMCs) to prevent excessive charging of fees to consumers owed compensation from financial services firms. The cap on charges is dependent on how much...
CMA writes to Tesco Bank acknowledging action taken to end breach
The CMA has written to Tesco Bank acknowledging the steps it has taken to end the breach of the Private Motor Insurance Market Investigation Order 2015 (the Order). Article 3 of the Order requires that any additional...
FCA reminds firms and consumers of insurance renewal rule change
FCA has reminded firms and consumers of the new requirements taking effect from 1 January that will prevent insurers from quoting customers a higher price for renewing home or motor insurance than they would charge a...
FCA publishes second consultation on Consumer Duty
Following its initial consultation in Q2 this year (CP21/13), the FCA has set out the responses it received and has published a second consultation on its plans for a new Consumer Duty (CP21/36). The FCA received 235...
FCA portfolio letter to Lloyd’s participants
The latest portfolio supervision letter from FCA is addressed to Lloyd’s and London market insurers and others. The letter follows on from the November 2020 version and, generally, commends the market for its...
Next steps for the Consumer Duty
The FCA’s consultation on a new Consumer Duty has now closed and the FCA has outlined its next steps. After considering the responses, the FCA will set out the proposed text for any new rules in a second...
FCA updates on travel insurance expectations
The FCA has updated the travel insurance section of its insurance and coronavirus webpage. The FCA says that, when buying travel insurance, customers cannot rely on their pre-pandemic knowledge and experience. It...
FCA consults on new Consumer Duty
The FCA has set out plans for a new Consumer Duty which will set clearer and higher expectations for firms’ standards of care towards consumers. It is hoped that the proposals will drive a shift in culture and behaviour...
FCA censures firm and requires compensation payment
FCA has publicly censured a firm that sold extended warranty insurance and ordered it to pay customers compensation of nearly £400,000. It would have imposed a fine of nearly £1m had it not been for the extreme...
FCA updates on general insurance consultation
FCA is consulting on rules and guidance to implement a package of remedies to address the harms identified in its general insurance pricing practices market study. As part of the consultation process, FCA recently...
FCA updates on pre-existing conditions directory
FCA has noted the new travel insurance directory launched by MaPS for people with serious pre-existing medical conditions. The directory meets FCA’s criteria for a “Medical Cover Firm Directory” and...
FCA publishes insurance pricing report and consults on fundamental change
FCA has published its final report on its market study intro general insurance pricing practices and, alongside it, a consultation on changes to its Handbook, and rules on data publication. The key damning conclusions...
FCA updates on General Insurance value measures
FCA has published its 4th set of General Insurance value measures data – after delaying publication because of COVID-19. It says the data now shows concerns about the value of personal accident and key cover add...
Regulator Covid-19 update 1 May
On 1 May, FCA: announced proposals for a Court declaration on business interruption claims proposed guidance for insurers on assessing whether products still offer value and appropriate action to take where they do not...
FCA publishes report on PPI complaint deadline
FCA has published its final report on the impact of the deadline for PPI complaints. It concludes that its 2 year communications campaign led to a significant increase in consumer awareness of the deadline and...
FOS looks at insurance coverage
FOS’s latest Ombudsman News looks at: coronavirus: so far, FOS has not seen many complaints on the impact of the virus, but expects it will see more complaints particularly in relation to travel insurance, medical...
FCA makes new travel insurance and other rules
FCA has made 3 sets of new rules. changes to COBS 19 to ensure that pension scheme members can properly find the information they need about costs and charges to ensure they get good value for money from their pension...
FCA makes travel insurance PEMC rules
FCA has published its policy statement and final rules to help consumers with serious pre-existing medical conditions to understand the travel insurance market better. The new requirements will: require firms that sell...
FCA and Lloyds update on Brexit
FCA and Lloyd’s have both issued releases confirming how firms should act in the immediate aftermath of Brexit. FCA confirmed that during the implementation period to 31 December EU law will continue to apply. So...
CMA publishes update on loyalty penalty progress
Following the Citizens Advice super-complaint to the CMA about the loyalty penalty (when companies charge longstanding customers more than new customers or those who renegotiate their deal), the CMA identified a...
FCA fines CMC for misleading communications
FCA has published its first fine since taking over regulation of Claims Management Companies. It has fined Professional Personal Claims Limited £70,000 for misleading customers through its website and printed materials...
Up next from FCA
FCA’s latest Policy Development Update indicates several key publications scheduled for Q1 2020, including: potential policy statement on general insurance value measures reporting; consultation or discussion...
FCA publishes IDD general good table
FCA has published on its website the IDD “general good” rules that apply to incoming firms. The table refers to the existing guidance in SUP 13A Annex 1, and notes that many parts of FCA’s rules apply...
FCA publishes GI distribution chain guidance
FCA has published its finalised guidance for general insurance product manufacturers and distributors on the distribution chain. The guidance follows the findings from FCA’s thematic review in 2017 and 2018, and...
EIOPA publishes thematic review of, and warning to, travel insurance market
EIOPA has concluded a thematic review focusing on travel insurance products, in particular with a view to identifying sources of potential conduct risk and consumer detriment. The key findings of its review included:...
FCA publishes insurance pricing report
The FCA published its interim report of its market study into the pricing of home and motor insurance on 4 October. The report sets out the FCA’s initial findings and possible remedies to tackle the issues...
CMA takes action over PPI reminder failures
CMA has ordered RBS and Santander to take remedial action after they did not send, or sent inaccurate annual PPI reminders to customers. The banks must now appoint independent bodies to audit their PPI processes and put...
Up next from FCA
The latest version of FCA’s Policy Development Update highlights: expected feedback on Investment Platforms Market Study Remedies by the end of the year; potential policy statement on general insurance value...
ABI updates guidelines addressing customers with criminal convictions
The ABI has published updated guidelines aimed at helping insurers ensure they are treating fairly customers who have convictions or related offences. The existing guidelines have been reviewed to take account of...
Publication of AG Opinion on consequence of removing unfair terms in consumer contracts
The European Court of Justice has published the AG’s Opinion in a case concerning the effect of a declaration of unfair terms for the purposes of the Unfair Contract Terms Directive (in UK law as the Consumer...
Commission adopts unfair terms guidance
The European Commission has adopted a guidance note on the Unfair Contract Terms Directive. The note covers: the objectives and scope of the directive; key terminology such as “supplier” and...
FCA to help travel insurance customers with pre-existing medical conditions
The FCA has launched a consultation on a new ‘signposting’ rule, aimed at helping customers with pre-existing medical conditions (PEMC) purchase travel insurance. The rule would specify circumstances in...
ESA evaluates cross-border supervision of retail financial services
A report published by the Joint Committee of European Supervisory Authorities, ie the EBA, ESMA and EIOPA, has reviewed the current landscape of cross-border supervision, in particular in the light of the regulatory...
BEIS review of Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations
The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has completed its 5 year review of the Consumer Contracts Regulations. While these regulations broadly exclude financial services, they may be engaged where...
EBA reports on POG guidance implementation
EBA has reported on how industry has implemented its Product Oversight and Governance arrangements guidelines. It found a mix of good and bad practices. Some of its criticisms were that: often the manufacturer’s...
FCA publishes general insurance Notice of Undertaking
The FCA has published a Notice of Undertaking under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 from ETA Services Ltd in relation to a Cycle Insurance Policy. The FCA was concerned that the policy in question had two terms that...
Treasury promotes InsurTech for low-income renter help
Treasury and FCA organised an industry workshop aimed at helping low-income renters to get better access to contents insurance. Many contents insurance products are not suitable for the needs of these renters, so the...
CMA may be given enhanced powers to impose fines for consumer law breaches
The government has announced that it will consult on whether the CMA should be given the power to fine businesses directly if they have breached consumer law, for example through the ‘loyalty penalty’ and...
CMA updates on loyalty penalty work
CMA has updated on its work on the loyalty penalty. It says key decisions are due shortly and that two enforcement cases are underway. It says it expects regulators to take strong action where they find problems and...
65% of insurers to use cloud over next 3 years
EIOPA has published its study on the use of big data analytics in motor and health insurance. It had noted a strong trend towards data-driven business models throughout the insurance value chain. Insurers have always...
Complaint levels fall
FCA’s data for complaints against regulated firms for H2 2018 show that complaints decreased by 5%, with PPI complaints falling by 8% – although PPI still accounted for 40% of all complaints. In part this...
UK insurance stress test feedback request
As the PRA prepares to conduct a stress test exercise, it has written to firms and industry participants to ask for feedback. The exercise will involve the largest life and general insurers, and run from Monday 1 July...
FCA publish thematic review on GI distribution chain
The FCA has published its thematic review on the general insurance distribution chain. This includes a call to action on firms to ensure that they address the issues identified and bring the recommendations to front...
EIOPA set out conduct risk framework for product lifecycle
EIOPA has published a framework that sets out what drives conduct risk and how to assess it throughout a product life cycle. It looks at: business model and management risks manufacturing risks delivery risks and...
UK / Switzerland deal reached on insurance
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Swiss and UK governments signed a deal to allow both countries to trade freely within the insurance sector post-Brexit. The agreement will come into force when the current EU...
FCA publishes finalised guidance on fairness of variation terms in FS contracts
The FCA has today published finalised guidance (FG18/7) setting out what it believes firms should consider under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 when varying a term in their consumer contracts. The guidance includes a list...
EC Review of the Distance Marketing Directive
The European Commission has launched a review of the Distance Marketing Directive (DMD) to assess whether it is relevant, effective, efficient, and in line with other EU legislation. The review follows an announcement...