PRA delays Basel 3.1 implementation

The PRA, in consultation with HM Treasury, has decided to postpone the implementation of the Basel 3.1 framework by one year to 1 January 2027. The delay will allow more time for clarity on how the framework will be...

FOS notes huge increase in complaints

The latest figures from the FOS show complaints have increased by over 50%, with record increases in complaints about frauds and scams, current accounts and credit cards. The FOS also noted in particular an increasing...

BoE consults on amending MREL approach

The BoE is consulting on restating, where appropriate and with modifications, of UK Capital Requirements Regulation total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) provisions to the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible...

CMA says Open Banking Roadmap complete

The CMA has updated its website on Open Banking to confirm that all the “CMA9” banking providers required to complete the Open Banking Roadmap have now completed the implementation phase. AIB and Bank of...

FCA releases latest skilled persons stats

In the quarter to end March 2024, the FCA commissioned 27 skilled persons reports. 10 related to retail investments, 7 to wholesale financial markets and 5 to retail banking and payments. 12 related to controls and risk...

FOS publishes quarterly data

FOS has published complaints data covering Q1 2024/5 (April – June 2024). Highlights include: over 76,000 new complaints – an increase of 70% from the same period last year; credit cards were the most...

CMA takes action under Retail Banking Order

The CMA has taken action against 4 banks for breach of the requirements of the Retail Banking Market Investigation Order 2017. HSBC, Lloyds, TSB and AIB failed to make correct data on their products and services...

PSR confirms APP reimbursement requirements

The PSR has published its policy statement confirming the requirements for the mandatory APP scams reimbursement policy which takes effect on 7 October 2024. The PSR consulted in April on proposed reporting requirements...

SME banking 2002 undertaking report

The CMA has published the 2023 audit report into whether 8 UK banks are complying with undertakings they gave in 2002 not to bundle loans and accounts for SMEs. The 8 banks currently subject to the undertakings have...

FCA fines for poor customer treatment

The FCA has fined 3 entities within the HSBC group £6.2m for failures in treatment of customers in financial difficulty. For a period of around 15 months, ending in October 2018, it found the bank had not properly...

PSR updates on preventing APP fraud

Chris Hemsley has written to Dame Harriett Baldwin MP (Chair of the House of Commons Treasury Committee) on the PSR’s progress on implementing measures to better protect consumers from APP scams. From 7 October...

BBRS publishes 2023 report

The BBRS has published its annual report for 2023. The report acknowledges that the service has dealt with far fewer complaints than originally anticipated, but is pleased with the work it has done, and the feedback...

UK Finance calls for help for abuse survivors

UK Finance has published a report looking at the problems that victim-survivors of economic and financial abuse face when they try to regain financial independence. The report notes the 2021 Financial Abuse Code, which...

Treasury publishes basic bank account data

Treasury has published its annual data as received from the nine largest personal current account providers (PCAs) in the UK. Under the Payment Account Regulations 2015, Treasury has designated the PCAs to offer basic...

Debanking complaints spike

The Treasury Committee has published new data that shows a rise of 69% in complaints to the FOS about debanking since 2020/21. In the last year, there were nearly 4,000 complaints. There has also been an increase in the...

BBRS publishes quarterly data report

The BBRS has published its quarterly case resolution data as of 31 March 2024. Key highlights include: From a total of 1,037 case registrations, there were 1,006 resolved case outcomes and 31 remain open. Of the...

FCA updates perimeter report

The FCA has updated its Perimeter Report on its website.  It was last updated in March 2023. Among the issues discussed are: FCA’s general approach to the perimeter; when it will take action against unauthorised...

FCA updates on skilled persons reports

The latest statistics for skilled persons reports FCA commissioned in Q3 2023/24 show: 24 reports in total 7 related to the retail banking and payments sector, 6 to retail investments, 5 to wholesale markets and 4 to...

FCA reflects on 2023

Nikhil Rathi has reflected on some of FCA’s key achievements and milestones from 2023. He highlighted: the implementation of the Consumer Duty and changes firms have already made as a result; FCA telling GAP...

FCA updates on retained EU laws

FCA has updated its website with details of the current state of play in relation to the repeal and replacement of retained EU laws in the financial services sector. Coming up in 2024 will be many changes and papers...

Open banking and VRP progress reports

The Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee has updated on progress in open banking. It is pleased with the significant progress made since its April report, and has summarised what has been happening across all its...

FCA consults on access to cash

FCA is using its powers under FSMA 2023 to consult on new rules to require designated banks and building societies to assess gaps in access to cash and act to fill them. FCA says that, currently, over 95% of people in...

FCA updates on cash savings

FCA has provided an update on progress made in implementing its cash savings action plan. In its update FCA notes that it has seen progress in the speed and size of interest rate changes for savers and improvements in...

FCA updates on LIBOR transition powers

On 1 January 2018 the EU Benchmark Regulation (BMR) took full effect. Following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and the end of the transition period, the BMR has been brought into UK law (UK BMR). Under the UK BMR, FCA...

FCA proposes credit information changes

FCA has announced proposals which will: require FCA-regulated data contributors, such as lenders, to share credit information with credit reference agencies (CRAs); introduce a common data reporting format to enhance...

FCA publishes regulatory initiatives grid

The FCA has published the Financial Services and Regulatory Initiatives Forum’s latest biannual Regulatory Initiatives Grid. This will allow the financial services industry and other stakeholders to understand and...

FSB publishes 2023 G-SIB list

FSB has published the 2023 list of globally systemically important banks (G-SIBs) using end-2022 data and applying the assessment methodology designed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). Compared to...

Regulators consult on BoE levy regulations

the BoE and Treasury are consulting on how to implement the new levy based arrangement which will replace the Cash Ratio Deposit scheme. Deposit-taking firms (except credit unions and friendly societies) with eligible...

FCA speech: next steps for Consumer Duty

Nisha Arora (Director of Cross Cutting Policy and Strategy at the FCA) has delivered a speech on the Consumer Duty and the next steps for firms. The speech highlighted the following examples of good practice identified...

FCA updates complaints data

FCA has published updated complaints data based on returns from firms. Snapshots from the 2023 H1 data include: a slight increase in complaints from the previous 6 months (5%); most significant increases in the...

FCA updates on skilled persons reports

FCA has published the numbers of skilled persons reports commissioned in the first two quarters of 2023: From April to June it commissioned 11 reports, of which 4 related to retail investments and 3 to wholesale...

PRA annual assessment of credit unions

The PRA has written to credit unions following its annual assessment of the sector. Key messages for both large (those with total assets between £10m and £50m) and small (those with total assets up to £10m) credit...

FCA speaks on financial inclusion

Nikhil Rathi has spoken on how FCA is looking for solutions to tackle financial exclusion, but that it needs help from industry and technology to do so.  He explained that FCA does not have the remit or powers to tackle...

Treasury to enable action against debanking

The Chancellor has announced a plan that will enable regulators to take action if any bank is found to undermine or fails to protect its customers’ rights. Treasury plans to consult soon on how best to deliver the...

UK Finance respond to ban on cold calling

UK Finance has responded to HM Treasury’s proposals to ban cold calling in financial services and is supportive of the proposals. The measures aim to protect consumers, particularly elderly and vulnerable...