Author - Emma Radmore

FCA speaks on fraud prevention

Andrea Bowe of the FCA has spoken on what the FCA is doing to help reduce financial crime and its key role in the implementation of the Government’s Economic Crime Plan. She spoke of the equal importance of...

PRA to review leverage ratio thresholds

The PRA is looking at the leverage ratio requirement thresholds and is offering firms a modification by consent in certain circumstances while it finishes its review. Firms can apply for the modification if they...

CMA says Open Banking Roadmap complete

The CMA has updated its website on Open Banking to confirm that all the “CMA9” banking providers required to complete the Open Banking Roadmap have now completed the implementation phase. AIB and Bank of...

PSR publishes Annual Report

The PSR annual report for 2023/24 unsurprisingly highlights the regulator’s activities in relation to APP fraud and open banking. It notes: publication of the first set of APP fraud statistics; steps to...

FCA bans individual after criminal conviction

The FCA has banned an individual from performing regulated activities after he was convicted of involvement in a criminal conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation. Luke Williams was involved in the activities...

FCA publishes enforcement data

As part of the Annual Report for the 2023/24 year, the FCA has published data on how it has used its enforcement powers during the year. Key data includes: 98% of cases were opened against firms, as opposed to...

FCA updates on whistleblower reports

The FCA has reported on whistleblowing disclosures made to it in the year to 31 March 2024 under the Prescribed Persons Regulations 2017. During the year it received 1,125 new reports (having seen a gradual increase...

FCA wants improvement in AR supervision

The FCA has reviewed how principals are supervising their Appointed Representatives and has concluded that supervision has improved, but that firms could do more. It saw many principals keeping clear records of how they...

FCA publishes Annual Report

The FCA Annual Report and Accounts shows how the FCA has improved its operating statistics for authorisations over the past year. It now meets its statutory deadlines for determining applications in 98% of cases. Other...

FCA seeks views on EMIR reporting

The FCA is asking for views on its guidance for UK Trade Repositories on guidance on the changes to the derivative reporting framework under EMIR. Most of the new requirements take effect from 30 September, and the new...

FCA releases latest skilled persons stats

In the quarter to end March 2024, the FCA commissioned 27 skilled persons reports. 10 related to retail investments, 7 to wholesale financial markets and 5 to retail banking and payments. 12 related to controls and risk...

FOS publishes quarterly data

FOS has published complaints data covering Q1 2024/5 (April – June 2024). Highlights include: over 76,000 new complaints – an increase of 70% from the same period last year; credit cards were the most...

FCA to investigate pure protection market

The FCA is concerned that competition is not working well in the pure protection sector and is to start a market study into how pure protection products are sold.  These products are mainly sold through intermediaries...

FCA publishes GI value measures data

The FCA has published its general insurance value measures data for 2023 – the second full year of reporting. The latest data continues to highlight products that do not appear to be delivering fair value in the...

PSR responds on VRP expansion

The PSR has followed up on its December call for views on how it could support expansion of Variable Recurring Payments to regulated financial and utilities services and to local and central government. Generally, there...

NCA publishes new SARs reporter booklet

The NCA has published a new version of its SARs Reporter Booklet.  The latest version focuses on DAMLs that were refused for further investigation and includes case studies including a request for a DAML to return funds...

Companies House plans ECCTA actions

The latest Companies House business plan includes details of its plans relating to ECCTA compliance over the next year. These include: prioritising removing inaccurate information on registers, including querying and...

UK Finance responds on MLRs

The UK Finance response to the Treasury consultation on improving the effectiveness of the MLRs notes that there are some parts of the existing regulations that are unhelpful in that they: drive tick box compliance; or...

FCA updates on operating metrics

The FCA quarterly authorisations metrics for the quarter to June 2024 shows 12 green, 4 amber and 1 red metric. The FCA says 98% of all applications were determined within the statutory deadline and that the red metric...

Unauthorised mortgage broker to pay £4m

The FCA has secured an order of £4m in the High Court against two firms under the directorship of one individual, which respectively arranged mortgages and bought properties and rented them back to the sellers. Neither...

FSR Committee restarts and reopens inquiries

The House of Lords has reappointed the Financial Services Regulation Committee which had originally been created in 2024. The reappointed Committee will now continue the inquiries that were ongoing before the election...

PSR publishes APP scams performance report

The PSR has published the APP scams performance report for 2023. Highlights from the report show: over 250,000 reports were made in 2023, with scams totalling over £340m; reimbursement rates have increased while fraud...

BoE and PRA publish whistleblowing figures

The BoE and PRA have published their annual report on whistleblowing in the last year (to end March 2024). During that period they received 240 disclosures of which 228 could properly be categorised as protected...

FCA reports on secondary objective progress

The FCA has published the required metrics on the success of its secondary international competitiveness and growth objective. It has split the metrics into the themes of: authorisations and operational efficiency:...

NCA and banks launch data sharing project

The NCA has announced a partnership with 7 banks under which the banks will provide the NCA with account data that could suggest criminality. The banks and investigators will analyse the data to help inform both the...

FCA seeks views on insurance regulation

The FCA has published a discussion paper on the regulation of commercial and bespoke insurance business. It is seeking views on whether its current rules for commercial insurance products strike the right balance...

CMA takes action under Retail Banking Order

The CMA has taken action against 4 banks for breach of the requirements of the Retail Banking Market Investigation Order 2017. HSBC, Lloyds, TSB and AIB failed to make correct data on their products and services...

FCA fines E-money firm £3.5m

The FCA has fined CB Payments Limited, an EMI which is part of the Coinbase Group, £3.5m for repeated breach of a requirement restricting it from offering services to high risk customers. The firm does not itself...

Regulators update on BSPS actions

The FCA, FOS and FSCS have published a report looking at the actions taken and results from the BSPS Redress Scheme exercise, as it comes to an end. Overall: £8.7m has been paid out by firms or the FSCS (significantly...

FOS publishes ADR annual activity report

The FOS has published the annual figures for reports it received in the year to 8 July, It notes the figures don’t include complaints brought by businesses but may include some brought by charities and trustees...

Bond administrator enters liquidation

The FCA has announced the liquidation of London Court Limited, a bond administrator and ISA manager. The firm had been restricted from doing any new business since August 2023 after the FCA determined that the firm had...

FCA updates whistleblowing data

The latest whistleblowing data from the FCA, covering the quarter to end June 2024, shows: 253 new reports received (fewer than the corresponding period last year and the last quarter), with nearly half of reports made...

FRC announces Stewardship Code changes

The FRC has announced major revisions to the UK Stewardship Code. It is making 5 immediate changes and has committed to a wider review. The key changes: will remove the “context” reporting expectations...

PRA updates on Solvency UK

Gareth Truran of the PRA has given a speech in light of the updated Matching Adjustment regime for insurers going live on 30 June. He said insurers now have all they need to use the Solvency UK reforms to support their...

SME banking 2002 undertaking report

The CMA has published the 2023 audit report into whether 8 UK banks are complying with undertakings they gave in 2002 not to bundle loans and accounts for SMEs. The 8 banks currently subject to the undertakings have...

CBI survey shows continuing sector growth

The CBI’s most recent quarterly survey shows that financial services business volumes continue to grow. Business volumes grew in Q2 2024 and are expected to rise at an even faster rate in the coming quarter. The...

BoE updates on data and analytics strategy

The BoE has provided an update on its data and analytics strategy, aimed at making it easy for everyone at the BoE to work with and analyse data which should lead to many benefits including more effective decision...

PRA publishes final rates for 2024/5

The PRA has published its feedback to the consultation on next year’s rates and the finally set rates. It received only 2 responses to its consultation and the new rules now take effect on 9 July.

FCA makes final fees rules

The FCA has published its final fees and levies for 2024/25. It has made minor changes to the amounts it consulted on. One of the most contentious proposals had been that it would split the costs for its cryptoasset...

TFND updates guidance

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures has announced a significant increase in take up in adopting its standards, and has updated and published new guidance for several sectors. The updates include...

FATF adds 2 countries to high risk list

Outputs from the last FATF plenary meeting to take place under Singapore’s presidency included: adding Monaco and Venezuela to its list of jurisdictions subject to increased monitoring and removing Jamaica and...

Wolfsberg Group responds on MLR review

The Wolfsberg Group has responded to the Treasury consultation on improving the effectiveness of the MLRs. Among the key points in its detailed submission are: that an effective AML/CTF framework includes discontinuing...

FCA updates on finfluencer trial

Following the FCA’s decision to charge 9 “finfluencers” in relation to promotions of an unauthorised FX trading scheme on social media, it has updated that three individuals have pleaded not guilty...

Conservative manifesto highlights fintechs

The Conservative Manifesto, published on 11 June, contains few surprises for financial regulation. It priorities: building on the various co-operation agreements it has already signed, including with the EU and...