Author - Laura Wiles

BoE consults on amending MREL approach

The BoE is consulting on restating, where appropriate and with modifications, of UK Capital Requirements Regulation total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) provisions to the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible...

FCA publishes interest-only mortgage research

FCA has published a research note analysing its data on the population of regulated interest-only mortgages that existed as at 31 December 2022. The analysis found that: Interest-only mortgages currently make up 9% of...

FCA publishes Q2 fin proms data

FCA has published its financial promotions data for Q2 2023, which showed that 1507 promotions were amended or withdrawn as a result of FCA intervention. As with the data for Q1, the majority of cases related to retail...

FCA makes new rules

FCA’s latest Handbook Notice confirms: changes to ICOBS to reduce the impact of financial difficulties by enabling customers to maintain an appropriate level of insurance; amendments to FCA’s Glossary and...

Regulators publish revised Complaints Scheme

Following a joint consultation between FCA, PRA and BoE in July 2020, the regulators have set out final changes to be made to the Complaints Scheme. The revised Complaints Scheme and policy statement was initially due...

BoE speaks on RTGS renewal programme

Victoria Cleland, Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Innovation at BoE, has delivered a speech at the UK Finance Summer Network Event on the benefits of BoE’s multi-year programme to renew the RTGS...

FCA to launch Digital Sandbox permanently

Following successful pilots, FCA’s Digital Sandbox will be made permanently available on 1 August 2023. Until now, the platform has only been available on a temporary basis to institutions participating in FCA...

FPC publishes Financial Stability Report

BoE has published the July 2023 Financial Stability Report, setting out FPC’s view on the stability of the UK financial system and what it is doing to remove or reduce any risks to it. FPC notes that the current...

Treasury publishes CCA reform plans

Treasury has published the outcome of its consultation on reforming the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA). The Government’s intention is that reform will facilitate innovation in the credit sector and increase...

Treasury publishes investment research review

In March 2023, Treasury launched its investment research review to consider levels of financial services investment research in the UK, and its contribution to UK capital markets competitiveness. The review was part of...

LSB publishes SME green finance report

LSB has published a report highlighting challenges in the SME green finance market and exploring how banks and lenders can support their customers to become more sustainable. The report concludes that while demand for...

FSB holds Frankfurt plenary

The FSB Plenary met in Frankfurt to discuss preliminary lessons learned from the recent banking sector turmoil and the outlook for global financial stability. The Plenary also agreed its deliverables to the July G20...

FCA sets fees and levies for 2023/24

FCA has published its regulatory fee and levy rates for 2023/24. The regulator is freezing minimum fees, flat rate fees and application fees in an effort to encourage competition and support firms facing inflationary...

US dollar LIBOR panel ends

The US dollar LIBOR panel has ended, meaning that the overnight and 12-month US dollar LIBOR settings have permanently ceased. All new use of synthetic US dollar LIBOR is now prohibited under the Benchmarks Regulation...

FCA implements Mortgage Charter rules

FCA has published a policy statement setting out changes to the MCOB sourcebook to support the implementation of the Government’s Mortgage Charter. The rule changes take effect immediately from 30 June, and enable...