Nikhil Rathi, FCA Chief Executive, delivered a speech on growth at the Annual City Banquet. His speech highlighted the FCA’s literature review on links between financial regulation and growth and that it will...
The G7 Cyber Expert Group (CEG) has published a statement highlighting potential cybersecurity risks arising from developments in quantum computing, and how these may be addressed by the financial sector. The CEG...
HMT has published the Banking Liaison Panel Terms of Reference, which include reference to: The Panel’s remit, including its broad purpose and the specific functions set out under section 10(2) of the Banking Act...
HMT has added a new chapter to the Banking Act 2009: special resolution regime code of practice. The new chapter provides draft details of the recapitalisation payment mechanism introduced in the Bank Resolution...
The BoE is consulting on restating, where appropriate and with modifications, of UK Capital Requirements Regulation total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) provisions to the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible...
Following its recent announcement confirming that it is reducing the maximum level that PSPs will have to reimburse APP scam victims to £85,000 per claim, the PSR has published two policy statements setting out details...
The claimants brought separate claims against Skipton Building Society and Santander Cards UK Limited, alleging that their respective relationships under credit agreements held with each firm were unfair on the basis...
Following an Upper Tribunal decision in June 2023 which upheld an application by BlueCrest Capital Management (UK) LLP to summarily strike out a redress requirement imposed by the FCA for its purported breaches of...
The FCA has fined Starling Bank Limited approximately £29m for financial crime failings related to its financial sanctions screening process, and for repeatedly breaching a requirement not to open accounts for high-risk...
Following the Treasury’s announcement that it would be excluding certain investment trusts from the PRIIPs Regulation and other EU-assimilated law, the FCA has confirmed it will be applying new regulatory...
The FCA, BoE and the Working Group on Sterling Risk-Free Reference Rates have issued a joint press release on the end of LIBOR. On 30 September 2024, the remaining synthetic LIBOR settings were published for the final...
Following a joint consultation on creating a Digital Securities Sandbox (DSS), the FCA and BoE have published a policy statement setting out their approach to safely adopting new technologies in the operation of...
UK Finance has responded to two consultations from the FSB, relating to the regulation and supervision of cross-border payment services providers (PSPs) and aligning cross-border payments and data frameworks. In the...
UK Finance and the LSB have responded to the PSR’s urgent consultation on lowering the maximum level of reimbursement for Faster Payments APP scams to £85,000, a significant reduction from the previously agreed...
The FCA Practitioner Panel has published its response to the PSR and FCA’s call for information on the benefits and risks of digital wallets. The Panel noted some “clear and compelling” benefits of...
The LSB is developing a first-of-its-kind code to break down barriers to finance for ethnic minority-led businesses (EMB). As the LSB’s 2023 report highlighted, ethnic minority entrepreneurs contribute an...
The Department for Business and Trade has updated on the Government’s framework creating UK Sustainability Reporting Standards (SRS). In 2023, the International Sustainability Standards Board published standards...
The Government and the FCA have announced plans to replace EU-inherited retail disclosure rules with a framework tailored to UK markets and firms. HMT previously consulted on replacing the PRIIPs Regulation with a new...
The High Court rejected the arguments of a defendant who alleged that a claimant spread betting firm had contravened COBS by reclassifying him from a retail client to an elective professional client (EPC), meaning he no...
The LSB has updated its Standards of Lending Practice for business customers to strengthen provisions for SMEs using personal guarantees. The standards provide the only lending protections available to many SMEs, given...
The Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill had its first reading in the House of Lords on 11 September. The Bill provides that digital assets can be considered to be personal property, and may therefore be given the same...
The PRA is seeking views on three related consultations concerning: the restatement of CRR requirements in the PRA Rulebook; streamlining the Pillar 2A capital framework and capital communications process; and updates...
As set out in CP 5/22, PRA’s ‘strong and simple’ initiative seeks to simplify the prudential framework for small, domestic-focused banks and building societies, while maintaining their resilience. The...
After publishing a near-final policy statement on various chapters in its consultation on the implementation of the Basel 3.1 standards late in 2023, PRA has published a second near-final policy statement in response to...
Following its policy statement containing final rules and guidance for implementing the Overseas Funds Regime (OFR), the FCA has published a document setting out its approach to recognition of funds under the OFR. As...
The FCA is seeking views on its proposal to issue a new regulatory reporting return for consumer credit firms carrying on any one or more of the regulated activities of credit broking, providing credit information...
The Upper Tribunal made its decision on the reference to it in respect of the FCA’s decision that the only proposed financial adviser of a firm did not meet the ‘fit and proper’ test, such that the...
In a report concerning its findings from follow-up work on payment account access and closures, the FCA has set out its expectations of firms, and next steps encouraging account providers to provide more support to...
Treasury has published the latest commencement regulations bringing into force provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023. In particular, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (Commencement No. 7)...
The CMA has written a letter to Starling regarding its breach of the Retail Banking Market Investigation Order (Order) in relation to the Service Quality Indicator (SQI) remedy. Part 3 of the Order requires Business...
In the case of R. (on the application of Manchikalapati) v Financial Services Compensation Scheme [2023] EWCA Civ 1006, the Court of Appeal reinstated a refusal by the FSCS to compensate policyholders for an insolvent...
The court has sanctioned a business transfer scheme under section 111 FSMA for Estonian bank AS LHV Pank (LHV) to transfer the deposit-taking, banking and regulated payment services business currently being carried on...
BoE has published a statement of policy and the responses to a consultation on its supervisory approach to market oversight for wholesale cash distribution (WCD) under its new powers under Part 5A FSMA 2023. BoE’s...
Treasury has published a cash access policy statement setting out the Government’s approach to access to cash deposit and withdrawal services for UK current accounts. The aim of the statement is to inform...
FCA has set out its expectations for UK cryptoasset businesses subject to the so-called ‘travel rule’, which will require them to collect, verify and share information about cryptoasset transfers from 1...
FCA has published a research note analysing its data on the population of regulated interest-only mortgages that existed as at 31 December 2022. The analysis found that: Interest-only mortgages currently make up 9% of...
PSR has launched two consultations relating to the implementation of its new APP fraud reimbursement requirements, which mean that the vast majority of victims will be reimbursed within 5 days of the fraud being...
FCA is currently reviewing how financial services firms have applied the PEPs regime and whether changes to its guidance is required. It has now written a letter to PEPs directly inviting them to share their...
FCA has published its authorisations metrics for the quarter ended June 2023. FCA currently has: 2 red categories, relating to authorisations of EMIs and PIs 6 amber categories, relating to SMCR and AR related approved...
HM Treasury has published a response to its 2022 call for evidence and consultation on payments regulation and the systemic perimeter. The Government confirms it will progress reforms to BoE and PSR’s respective...
FCA has published a letter to HM Treasury on freedom of expression and the provision of banking services, in response to increased public concern about payment accounts being closed without fair justification. The...
FCA has published its financial promotions data for Q2 2023, which showed that 1507 promotions were amended or withdrawn as a result of FCA intervention. As with the data for Q1, the majority of cases related to retail...
The Economic Affairs Committee has published a letter to Andrew Bailey, Governor of BoE, on its new responsibilities under FSMA 2023. The Committee’s ongoing inquiry into the operational independence of BoE has...
FCA is implementing further temporary measures for the reporting of certain fields in MiFIR transaction reports. In January 2022, temporary measures were put in place for the reporting of the short selling indicator...
FSB has published its thoughts on the final stage of the LIBOR transition, and the importance of markets remaining anchored in robust benchmarks in the post-transition landscape. Choice of reference rates FSB encouraged...
In line with the BCBS framework, PRA is consulting on updates to the UKTS methodology for identifying and setting a capital buffer for global systemically important institutions. The changes to the UKTS would include:...
FCA’s latest Handbook Notice confirms: changes to ICOBS to reduce the impact of financial difficulties by enabling customers to maintain an appropriate level of insurance; amendments to FCA’s Glossary and...
Following a joint consultation between FCA, PRA and BoE in July 2020, the regulators have set out final changes to be made to the Complaints Scheme. The revised Complaints Scheme and policy statement was initially due...
PRA is consulting on proposed rules to replace retained EU law requirements on PRA-authorised persons contained in provisions of the Securitisation Regulation. Following the enactment of FSMA 2023, Treasury plans that...
Following its October 2022 survey of banks, FMI intermediaries and FMIs about their experiences with its resolution planning framework, FSB has published a statement on continuity of access to FMI services for firms in...
The Independent Assessor’s report confirms that during the financial year 2022/23, FOS resolved 209,491 cases, with 1.8% of those customers lodging complaints about the service. Complaints reduced by 1.9% since...
PRA has imposed a record fine of £87m on Credit Suisse for serious risk management and governance failures between 1 January 2020 and 31 March 2021 in connection with its exposures to Archegos Capital Management. This...
In a discussion on the BBRS, the House of Commons has outlined how the service failed to restore trust between SMEs and their lenders, or resolve a meaningful number of complaints. MPs also set out some alternative...
FCA’s latest edition of Market Watch explores transaction reporting issues, and highlights its concerns with firms not paying sufficient attention to its warnings on the importance of reporting transactions in a...
Following its call for evidence on the PSRs, the Government has set out proposed reforms to enhance requirements relating to contract termination for payment accounts, as per the new powers conferred by FSMA 2023. Under...
Victoria Cleland, Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Innovation at BoE, has delivered a speech at the UK Finance Summer Network Event on the benefits of BoE’s multi-year programme to renew the RTGS...
CMA has published its annual report on compliance with the SME banking behavioural undertakings 2002, covering the period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. The report analyses how well 8 UK banks have complied with...
Following successful pilots, FCA’s Digital Sandbox will be made permanently available on 1 August 2023. Until now, the platform has only been available on a temporary basis to institutions participating in FCA...
The Treasury Committee has published the Government’s response to its report on Regulating Crypto. The report had concluded that consumer trading in unbacked cryptocurrencies more closely resembles gambling than a...
In a letter to the Treasury Committee, FCA has set out its work on establishing the new CBA panel and publishing a statement of policy on its approach to CBA, as required by FSMA 2023. In June, the Committee sent a...
FCA has started criminal proceedings against Daniel Pugh for one fraud offence and three offences of breaching FSMA. FCA alleges that Mr Pugh defrauded investors out of approximately £1.3m via an unauthorised CIS...
PRA is consulting on proposals to enhance proportionality of Pillar 3 remuneration disclosure requirements, by reducing the number of disclosures required for many smaller banks and building societies. This consultation...
FCA and ICO have published a joint letter to UK Finance and the Building Societies Association, confirming that savings providers can inform their customers of the best interest rates available to them, even where...
Early in July, the Treasury Committee progressed its campaign for banks to increase savings rates by issuing letters to FCA and the UK’s biggest high street lenders: Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds and Natwest. The banks and FCA...
The co-chairs of the Financial Services Regulatory Initiatives Forum have published an update following the Royal Assent of FSMA 2023. Given its significance for the financial services regulatory landscape, the Forum...
FSB has published its finalised regulatory framework for the supervision of crypto-asset activities to promote the comprehensiveness and international consistency of regulatory and supervisory approaches globally. FSB...
The Treasury Committee has launched an inquiry into the barriers faced by women in financial services – Sexism in the City. The Committee asks for evidence on the follow topics: Progress made in removing the...
FCA is consulting on guidance on how its financial promotion requirements apply to promotions made on social media. Financial promotion rules are designed to be technology-neutral and apply to all channels used to...
In July 2021, FSB published a comprehensive roadmap to address climate-related financial risks. It has now delivered a progress report on the roadmap as required by the G20. Physical risks and a disorderly transition to...
FCA has fined Bastion Capital London Limited (in liquidation) £2,452,700 for serious financial crime control failings in relation to cum-ex trading. The firm had failed to manage the risk of being used to facilitate...
The Financial Regulator Complaints Commissioner has published its annual report for 2022/23 reviewing how the UK financial services regulators consider complaints. This year, 421 cases were dealt with by the...
The Supreme Court has handed down its decision in the case of Philipp v Barclays Bank UK PLC [2023] UKSC 25. Barclays had appealed a decision from the Court of Appeal that it owed the customer a contractual duty not to...
Treasury has issued a call for input as part of its Future of Payments Review 2023, which will report on the steps required to deliver world leading retail payments in the UK and boost UK fintech competitiveness. The...
BoE has published the July 2023 Financial Stability Report, setting out FPC’s view on the stability of the UK financial system and what it is doing to remove or reduce any risks to it. FPC notes that the current...
FPC has published its approach to setting the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB). Its approach is based on six core principles: Ensuring that the UK banking system is better able to absorb shocks without an...
BoE has published the results of its 2022/23 stress test of the UK banking system. The test scenario was more severe than the 2007-08 financial crisis and substantially more severe than the current macroeconomic outlook...
Nikhil Rathi, Chief Executive at FCA, has delivered a speech at The Economist on FCA’s emerging regulatory approach to Big Tech and AI. It notes that with the “right guardrails in place”, AI can offer...
BIS has published a report outlining the key elements of the crypto ecosystem and their structural flaws. The report was submitted to the G20 Finance Minister and Central Bank Governors. The three key takeaways are:...
Treasury has published the outcome of its consultation on reforming the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA). The Government’s intention is that reform will facilitate innovation in the credit sector and increase...
Treasury has published a delivery plan setting out how the Government will deliver a Smarter Regulatory Framework (SRF) tailored to the UK now that FSMA 2023 has repealed retained EU law for financial services. As part...
Treasury has published the outcome of its consultation on customer information requirements in the Payment Accounts Regulations (PARs) 2015. It confirms the government’s intention to revoke Part 2 and Schedules 1...
Treasury is consulting on the first financial market infrastructure sandbox delivered under the powers granted to it as part of FSMA 2023. The Digital Securities Sandbox (DSS) will enable digital securities to be tested...
Treasury has published the outcome of its consultation on revoking the PRIIPs Regulation and introducing a more suitable alternative. The PRIIPs Regulation had been widely criticised due to the misleading information it...
In March 2023, Treasury launched its investment research review to consider levels of financial services investment research in the UK, and its contribution to UK capital markets competitiveness. The review was part of...
LSB has published a report highlighting challenges in the SME green finance market and exploring how banks and lenders can support their customers to become more sustainable. The report concludes that while demand for...
Following its June policy statement on its new APP fraud reimbursement requirement, PSR is consulting on two draft instruments set to implement the rules. The first specific requirement looks at the rule changes needed...
The FSB Plenary met in Frankfurt to discuss preliminary lessons learned from the recent banking sector turmoil and the outlook for global financial stability. The Plenary also agreed its deliverables to the July G20...
BoE and FCA have published an update on their joint Transforming Data Collection (TDC) programme, concerning: Delivery of their phase one recommendations; Progress of the phase two use cases; The Data Standards Review;...
BCBS is consulting on revisions to its Core principles for effective banking supervision (Core Principles). In its April 2022 review, BCBS sought to reflect supervisory and regulatory developments, structural changes in...
FCA has published findings from its multi-firm review of liquidity management frameworks. It sought to understand what improvements have been made since its November 2019 letter to AFMs detailing good practice in...
FCA has published a letter to cryptoasset firms marketing to UK consumers on complying with the expanded financial promotions regime set to apply from 8 October 2023. The letter comes after the FSM Bill received Royal...
FCA has published its regulatory fee and levy rates for 2023/24. The regulator is freezing minimum fees, flat rate fees and application fees in an effort to encourage competition and support firms facing inflationary...
FCA has published examples of good and poor practice arising out of its review of how the general insurance market supports customers in financial difficulty and handles claims. For customers whose policies had been...
The Treasury Committee has issued a call for evidence as part of its inquiry into the financing of SMEs. On industry issues, the Committee asks: What are the key challenges SMEs face when seeking finance? Through which...
The Treasury Committee has further progressed its campaign for banks to increase savings rates by issuing letters to FCA and the UK’s biggest high street lenders: Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds and Natwest. In...
The US dollar LIBOR panel has ended, meaning that the overnight and 12-month US dollar LIBOR settings have permanently ceased. All new use of synthetic US dollar LIBOR is now prohibited under the Benchmarks Regulation...
Following its January consultation, FCA has published finalised insurance guidance on supporting customers in financial difficulty. In November 2020, FCA published guidance for insurance and premium finance firms to...
Following its September 2022 consultation, PRA has published a second policy statement on updates to its depositor protection (DP) rules. The first policy statement, published 31 March 2023, concerned changes to the so...
PSR has published a third working paper on its market review of card schemes and processing fees. It previously published papers on competitive constraints and approach to profitability analysis. The latest paper...
FCA has published a policy statement setting out changes to the MCOB sourcebook to support the implementation of the Government’s Mortgage Charter. The rule changes take effect immediately from 30 June, and enable...