Ombudsman News looks at financial difficulties relating to mortgage debt

The latest edition of Ombudsman News highlights new guidance published by the FOS which explains its approach to complaints about financial difficulties in relation to mortgage debt. The guidance is outlined in two new webpages – one for consumers and one for businesses.

When dealing with a complaint, the FOS will consider whether the firm:

  • treated the customer fairly and responded to them in a positive and sympathetic manner;
  • suggested flexible and tailored solutions that take into account the customer’s personal and financial circumstances;
  • followed any reasonable requests the customer made, eg asking to be contacted at a certain time of day only, or in a certain way;
  • was proactive and looked out for signs of financial difficulty in conversations or information available to it; and
  • took any characteristics of vulnerability into account.

This edition of Ombudsman News also includes a reminder that the FOS consultation on its proposed plans and budget for 2023/24 closes on 31 January 2023.

Emma Radmore