FOS outlines strategic plans for 2022/23

FOS has published its plans and budget for 2022/23. In the coming year, FOS:

  • expects to receive 177,000 complaints and resolve 220,500 complaints;
  • will continue to ensure it is equipped to respond to complexity and vulnerability in complaints; and
  • invest in a change programme, which includes working with regulatory stakeholders to deliver its Action Plan.

In terms of budget for 2022/23, this includes:

  • a cost base of £291.7m;
  • an individual case fee of £750;
  • a compulsory jurisdiction levy expected to raise to £106m;
  • a voluntary jurisdiction levy of £700,000;
  • businesses outside the group-account fee arrangement will get 3 free cases (reduced from 25); and
  • businesses in the group-account fee arrangement will get 15 free cases (reduced from 50).

Emma Radmore

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