LMA launches CUO Committee for market-wide strategic initiatives

The Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) has announced its launch of the Chief Underwriting Officers’ (CUO) Committee. The committee will portray managing agents’ perspectives on Lloyd’s strategic initiatives, and provide its views, guidance and advice to the underwriting sector of the Lloyd’s market.

The LMA has identified the need for a dedicated panel comprised of chief underwriting officers and active underwriters to guide its members and work with Lloyd’s and other external stakeholders to address numerous long-term challenges facing the underwriting community, such as:

  • development and execution of a commercial strategy;
  • addressing subjects such as the development and implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG);
  • underwriting strategies; and
  • ensuring the market retains its position as the preeminent marketplace for specialty (re)insurance.

Links to the LMA media release and bulletin for further information below:

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