“Sexism in the City” evidence published

The Parliamentary Committee looking into “Sexism in the City” has published 46 pieces of written evidence it received. The evidence from FCA highlighted:

  • more diverse and inclusive firms can support better outcomes for themselves and their customers and are less likely to experience groupthink than less diverse firms – and groupthink can in turn lead to weak governance and risk management and a failure to act in customers’ best interests;
  • evidence suggests that recruitment and promotion within the financial services industry is not yet based entirely on talent;
  • culture is also critical; and
  • there is evidence that ethnicity impacts on women’s experience in the industry.

The response included statistics and research on:

  • removing barriers to women entering and progressing their careers across the industry;
  • the impact of the Women in Finance Charter and other governmental and regulatory initiatives;
  • FCA’s progress in implementing the Treasury Committee’s 2018 recommendations for its own leadership and staff;
  • progress on removing gender pay gaps;
  • government and regulator roles in acting as role models, ensuring appropriate data is collected and published and ensuring appropriate cultures to support women’s aspiration and progress; and
  • the role of firms, Government and regulators in combatting sexual harassment and mysogeny.

Emma Radmore